Leadership Development Program

Build Successful Leadership Development Programs

For some HR professionals, the goal is to have a strong leadership development program that spans all levels. For others, they must start at one particular level to address their most acute needs, like improving retention or transforming culture.

And it’s not only important what leaders learn, but how. Learning approaches must be tailored to the needs and context of each level. For example, all leaders need to be great coaches. But frontline leaders need to coach differently than mid-level leaders. And emerging leaders must learn how to coach peers before direct reports.

We spend our days working with leaders at every level. Explore how DDI designs leadership development programs to meet the needs of your leaders and your organization.

By The Numbers

Our Leadership Development Programs Drive Results

DDI Impact Evaluation data shows our clients see significant impact from their leadership development programs. 

94 Valuable Investment

94% say the program was a valuable investment of resources

95 Focused Development

95% said it helped them focus the development of their leaders

91 Aligned Programs

91% aligned the program with other talent management processes in their organization

smiling woman leader holding up a tablet with a DDI leadership development program journey on it?fm=webp&q=65

Leadership Development Programs Reimagined

Effective leadership development goes beyond completing a series of learning tasks. It involves transforming how leaders interact with others. One-and-done learning events don’t often lead to true behavior change. That’s why we create continuous learning experiences.

We’ve taken great care to ensure that our programs:

  • Are deeply relevant to the challenges your leaders face.
  • Include personal insights for leaders to see why and how to change.
  • Immerse leaders with their peers to form valuable connections.
  • Focus on fostering the human side of workplace culture.
  • Are based on trusted science for measurable results.


More Likely to Be Top Financial Performer

Companies offering effective leadership development at all levels are 2.7x more likely to be a top financial performer in their industry.

Global Leadership Forecast 2023

By The Numbers

The Power of a Multilevel Approach

Leadership development programs can have tremendous impact when stretched across levels, promoting one, consistent leadership culture. When leaders have shared expectations, they can hold their peers accountable for behaviors that steer the organization forward.

In order to get there, many companies start by developing one level before expanding their program. The best development strategies allow for growth. DDI helps you implement programs at any level easily. And when your program is ready to grow, we’ll grow with you. Together, we’ll create consistency across your entire leadership pipeline. 

man emerging leader, smiling after his DDI leadership development program?fm=webp&q=65

Emerging Leader Program

Pave the way for next-generation leadership with a program designed for emerging leaders. Give these employees everything they need to prepare for their career path ahead and build a strong bench to tackle the challenges of the future.

It’s a different way to think about interactions and purpose at work. An emerging leader program allows this group to practice leading projects in their informal leadership roles before they take on direct reports.

With DDI, you can help these high performers evolve from individual contributors to future managers. 

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Frontline Leader Program

Frontline leaders directly manage about 80% of the workforce. As a result, they have the biggest impact on key metrics like hiring, retention, performance, productivity, and safety. Yet many of these leaders lack the core skills needed for success.

Frontline leaders need a strong leadership foundation—so we built one for them. We can help you create consistent leadership behaviors that form the backbone of your leadership culture. Whether you’re looking to develop first-time managers or experienced frontline leaders, we can help you build frontline leadership development programs that equip them with the core skills they need to lead and lead well. 

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woman middle manager, smiling after her DDI leadership development program?fm=webp&q=65

Middle Manager Program

Middle managers are invaluable. They form the crucial link between business strategy at the top and execution at the front line. Yet many organizations overlook the importance of training their middle managers. They assume that their experience as frontline managers is enough—even though challenges at the mid-level are very different.

Even the most effective leaders often struggle to manage their personal impact at this level. Stress reveals their derailing tendencies, which can severely affect workplace morale and culture. And generic training won’t solve these problems.

Don’t let middle managers be the weak link in your chain. Explore how DDI’s middle manager programs give leaders personalized insights to manage their impact as they expand their skills.

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High-Potential Program

High-potential leaders are your organization’s future. This small group holds the full potential of your company in their hands. And high potentials want to grow fast. But rising the ranks at full speed means that more development must make up for less experience.

Above all else, training for these leaders must be highly personalized and deeply relevant to help them make faster and smarter moves.

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woman executive leader, smiling after her DDI leadership development program?fm=webp&q=65

Executive Development Program

Leadership development has a major impact on executive and organizational success. Most executives advance because they are smart, talented, and highly capable leaders. But it’s a mistake to assume that their natural talent is enough for them to reach maximum impact. Executive leaders shouldn’t have to figure it out on their own.

But the reality is less than half of executives who are promoted internally are successful if they receive little or no development. Worse, executives often don’t tell you they’re struggling until it’s too late.

Minimize the risk of failure with an executive development program. We’ll help you proactively help your executives adapt and quickly find success.

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Get All This and More with a Subscription

Here’s the truth about any leadership development program: It needs to be flexible. You might have to switch from in-person to virtual learning. Or add new curriculum to grow different skill sets. Or change which courses you offer to reflect your organization’s strategic growth.

Most importantly, leaders should never stop learning and practicing. The end of a targeted learning journey should not mean the end of development. But it’s a pain to keep buying new course materials, process invoices, and deal with vendor contracts.

Hit the easy button. A DDI Leadership Development Subscription gives you everything you need to create exceptional programs that evolve with leaders, for leaders.

Learn more about subscriptions

Have a Question?

Frequently Asked Questions: Leadership Development Programs

  • What types of leadership development programs does DDI offer?

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    DDI offers comprehensive development programs for emerging leaders, frontline leaders, mid-level managers, high potentials, and executives—all accessible through our Leadership Development Subscription. Our programs promote a consistent leadership culture across your organization, enabling shared expectations and accountability for behaviors that drive success. Whether you're starting with one leadership level or implementing development across your entire pipeline, we partner with you to create programs that grow with your needs.

  • How does a Leadership Development Subscription work?

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    A DDI Leadership Development Subscription provides comprehensive, flexible access to our complete suite of leadership development tools and content—including personalized assessments, in-person and virtual courses, microlearning tools, and practice resources. The subscription model allows you to scale development across your organization while being supported by a DDI Strategic Learning Team, who partners with you to design, implement, and measure program success. You get everything needed to create lasting leadership impact, all in one place with measurable ROI.

  • How do you measure the success of your leadership development programs?

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    DDI measures leadership development success across all levels of The Kirkpatrick Model, tracking everything from participant reactions and learning to behavioral change and business results. Our Leadership Development Subscription includes comprehensive measurement tools and processes, making it easy to demonstrate the impact of your leadership development investment.

  • Can leadership development programs be customized for my organization?

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    DDI's Leadership Development Subscription provides access to an extensive content library that can be tailored to create learning journeys specific to your organization's needs. Your dedicated DDI Strategic Learning Team partners with you to curate content and design leadership development programs that align with your unique organizational challenges. With an Enterprise Subscription, additional configuration options are available based on your requirements.