Success ProfileSM

It’s About the Whole Person

The perfect resume doesn’t mean a perfect job fit. Too often, companies hire only for knowledge and experience. But they overlook the skills and personal attributes that really determine success. That’s why companies need to build holistic Success ProfilesSM for a role before they even post the job.

At DDI, we have decades of experience helping companies develop Success Profiles to make sure they get the right people in the right roles. The result? People get up to speed faster. They contribute more. They stay longer. And that creates a competitive advantage.

Why Define Success?

It's no surprise that 75% of companies that define Success Profiles say they are able to hire the talent they need, compared to 32% of organizations that don’t build profiles. 

Organizations that identify Success Profiles are 4.8 times more likely to rate themselves in the top 10% of the competitors for leadership talent. 

DDI Success Profiles give a holistic view of job success, including the four dimensions of success: knowledge, experience, competencies, and personal attributes?fm=webp&q=65

What’s a Success Profile?

A Success Profile is a holistic picture of job success. At DDI, we’ve defined four dimensions of success: knowledge, experience, competencies, and personal attributes.

The key word is holistic. In our 50 years of research and experience, we often see companies focus their hiring decisions almost entirely on knowledge and experience. Basically, it’s what you’d see on a resume. But in reality, the most common causes of failure in a role are the competencies and personal attributes.

That’s where we can help. We’ll help you build the complete picture of success, and put focus on the competencies and personal attributes. So you’ll know the candidate can achieve peak performance.

Start Success with Competencies

Based on DDI’s research, when competencies are the foundation of their HR processes, 91% of organizations report their selection and promotion systems are more fair and their training and development is more effective.

 At DDI, we do competencies differently. How? We remove the guesswork. Thanks to well-defined, observable, and measurable key actions for each competency, everyone knows exactly what’s expected on the job.

Learn about leadership competencies

illustration of cartoon people pushing together four pieces of a puzzle as they build a success profile?fm=webp&q=65

Get Certified

We’re ready to help you become an expert in job analysis. We call our certification process Success Profiles: Card Sort, and it’s designed to help you quickly create the definition of success across your entire company.

Through this fast, efficient process, you can clearly link job requirements to competencies. And once you’re trained, you can repeat the process in-house as often as you need.