Do companies have the talent they need for the future?
How has COVID-19 impacted leaders?
What leadership trends are emerging for 2021?
Scroll to see our top 5 findings
Bench strength reaches an all-time low.
Percentage of HR saying they have a strong bench to fill leadership roles
Only 47% of critical roles can be filled by current leaders. It's clear organizations don't have the leaders they need today, or for the future.
Digital acumen became 25% more important for leaders responding to the crisis.
Leaders had to be more prepared for:
Responding to competition in their industry
Innovating to improve products and services
Leaders were less effective at:
Leading virtual teams and contractors
Using empathy or emotional intelligence
Through the pandemic, leaders faced new challenges in remote work and more difficult conversations. Ratings of their own effectiveness in virtual leadership and empathy dropped significantly.
Preference to learn online
During Crisis
New Normal
Hours Leaders Want to Spend Learning per Week
During Crisis
New Normal
Hours Leaders Currently Spend Learning per Week
During Crisis
New Normal
When in crisis mode, leaders are more likely to seek support. During the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, they spent more time on development, especially online.
Leaders grew more positive about senior leaders
Leaders grew more positive about senior leaders.
Leadership ratings peaked 14% higher at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic required more of all leaders, especially senior leaders.
Leaders are most confident...
Achieving their team’s goals
Rallying their team around a common purpose
Building team enthusiasm and engagement
But least confident...
Helping team members avoid burnout
Making the right hiring decision
Navigating organizational politics
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