High-Resolution Leadership, DDI’s leadership skills research report, gives insights to help you predict leader success.


Leading Growth: Build a Strong Leadership Pipeline to Boost Business

High-Resolution Leadership, DDI’s 2018 leadership skills research report, gives insights to help you predict leader success.

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Deep insights into leaders 

In High-Resolution Leadership, DDI’s powerful leadership skills research report, we set out to prove that strong leaders fuel bottom line growth. We also show how personality and skill patterns impact the success of leaders and their readiness to tackle future challenges. Finally, we look at how a leader’s background can give insights into strengths and weaknesses for the larger leader population.  

However, this report goes beyond insights. We list out specific actions you can take today to boost the skills of your leaders. We also provide talking points to help you make the case for why the future of your business depends on the capability of your leaders. 

A powerful collection of multi-level leadership data 

We explored data from over 15,000 assessment participants ranging from managers to the C-suite. Why is our analysis reliable? It includes robust data from immersive “day in the life” simulations, and personality and leadership skills tests. The dataset includes more than 300 companies. It also spans more than 20 industries and 18 countries. 

8 findings on how leaders affect your business 

Here’s what you’ll learn (and more) in this leadership skills research report:  

  • The leadership skills most closely related to growth and profit 
  • Which leader skills have increased to meet today’s business challenges (and which skills have slipped) 
  • The most common leadership challenges and how ready leaders are to overcome them 

Leading Growth: Build a Strong Leadership Pipeline to Boost Business
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