Leading Through Change

Prepare Leaders to Drive Change

Change is happening faster than ever before. And companies that adapt quickly have major competitive advantages. That means leaders must be prepared to manage change and lead teams through it.

The problem? People often feel uncomfortable with change. Plus, while HR is working hard to prepare leaders, these efforts often compete with the everyday priorities of busy leaders.

No matter the type or scale of change, DDI can help you develop leaders who can get and keep their teams on board. With the right skills, your leaders can accelerate change and achieve better results.


Successful Change Depends on Leaders

Research shows that leading change is hard, and managers feel ill-prepared to do it. But with the right development, leaders can be successful change champions.

10 enterprise changes

were experienced by employees in 2022, up from just two in 2016.

Gartner Business Quarterly, 2023 Q1

43 of employees

support enterprise change, falling from 74% in 2016.

Gartner Business Quarterly, 2023 Q1

36 of leaders

say they have received training on how to manage change.

DDI Global Leadership Forecast 2025

73 of employees

affected by change experienced high stress as a result.

Gartner Business Quarterly, 2023 Q1


increase in capability to manage change

32% more leaders are rated as effective at driving change after DDI training.

DDI Impact Evaluation Data 2023


Develop Change Champions

Leaders are critical to creating a workplace culture where employees embrace and accelerate change. We help your leaders develop a growth mindset for change, and learn to adapt when faced with uncertainty.

We also help your leaders adopt a “head and heart” approach to engage teams and overcome resistance to change. Leaders learn to anticipate and address the practical and personal needs of their teams and stakeholders.

When leaders have the skills to lead and motivate others through change, you’ll see more successful results. In fact, our research shows that 32% more leaders are rated as effective at driving change after DDI training.

different colored puzzle pieces that fit together to show that there is a set of key skills for effectively leading through change?fm=webp&q=65

Key Skills Help Leaders Drive Change

To build leaders who can manage change successfully, we recommend they develop and practice these key skills:

    • Adaptability: Leaders proactively anticipate change with a positive mindset.
    • Communication: Leaders effectively communicate strategies and rationales driving the change. They also sincerely listen to employee concerns.
    • Empathy and EQ: Leaders show empathy toward team members’ fears and struggles. 
    • Leading Teams: Leaders drive collaboration to engage teams in change.
    • Innovation: Leaders are open and inclusive to new ideas that advance change.
    • Resolving Conflict: Leaders overcome resistance and resolve conflict as it arises.
smiling and confident young woman leader to show that DDI's learning journeys are highly effective for preparing people for leading through change


Develop Leaders Who Accelerate Through Change

It takes every leader to make change successful. Leaders at all levels need the right skills and an aligned strategy and mindset to drive change.

We’ve put together a sample program that shows how you might begin developing leadership skills to drive change, whether your focus is developing directors, frontline managers, or every leader in between.

View sample

Create Your Strategy to Lead Change

In a world where change is the only constant, organizations need leaders who are consistently learning and growing to meet new challenges.

DDI’s subscriptions are designed to grow with your leaders and support them as they lead through change.

Explore subscriptions