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Executive Leadership Outlook 2020

Executive Leadership Outlook 2020

/ Resources / Research / Executive Leadership Outlook 2020

Take the Right Actions to Build a Stronger Executive Bench

New business forces are changing the role of today’s executive leader. What’s the impact on your organization? Do you have the strong executive leadership pipeline you need to ensure your organization’s competitive future and viability? Do you know what will get you there?

Data-Backed Insights to Grow Your Pipeline

We’ve analyzed results from more than 55,000 executive assessments, including 1,100 CEO candidates—a body of research stretching back over a decade. Through this analysis, we’ve revealed the specific actions your organizations can take to build C-suite leadership.

This research will help you to:

  • Understand how business context is affecting executive readinesss
  • Develop the skills that matter the most for executive teams
  • Create an inclusive pipeline

Surprising findings from the study:

  • More than half of organizations don't assess a single female candidate when looking for their next CEO.
  • Less than 15 percent of executives exhibit strength in money skills, suggesting growth occurs after transitioning into an executive role.
  • Executives struggle most with influence, hindering their ability to fuel transformation and change initiatives.

Executive Leadership Outlook 2020
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