Global Leadership Forecast 2014 | 2015


Global Leadership Forecast 2014 | 2015

25 findings to get your leaders ready to meet tomorrow’s business challenges.

/ Resources / Research / Global Leadership Forecast 2014 | 2015

Ready-Now Leaders

Global Leadership Forecast 2014 | 2015 is a joint report between DDI and The Conference Board. It is the seventh forecast in the series. The report helps you understand how ready-now leaders drive financial success, how talent programs impact leader readiness, and how to mitigate risks to program success.

Diverse perspectives from thousands of leaders

The research integrates data from 13,124 leaders and 1,528 HR professionals across 2,031 organizations. We were able to dissect findings based on diverse perspectives spanning leaders and HR professionals, four leader levels, gender, 48 countries across all regions, 32 major industry categories, and multinational versus local corporations.

25 findings to meet tomorrow’s business challenges

Here’s what you’ll learn (and more) in this leadership research report:

  • Only 15% of organizations feel they have a strong bench
  • We debunked 70:20:10 learning ratio
  • Organizations with better financial performance have more women in leadership roles

Global Leadership Forecast 2014 | 2015
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