Leadership Courses
Leadership Courses Built on Science
At DDI, we’re focused on delivering measurable change in your leaders. Our leadership courses are deeply rooted in the science of human behavior, measurement, and research-driven innovation. With live sessions and microlearning options, you can build blended learning journeys or leadership programs to engage and develop your leaders.
Our leadership development subscriptions give you the ultimate option for flexible, ongoing development to deliver results. You get everything you need to create a successful leadership development program that supports your business strategy today and in the future.
Building Rapport Virtually
Connect and build rapport with interviewees virtually
Attracting and landing the best candidates is a competitive advantage for an organization. When interviewers establish a human connection, candidates have a more positive impression of the job and organization. To make that connection in a virtual setting, interviewers must be especially aware of their words and actions and make an extra effort to build rapport.
Helps individuals:
- Understand how helping candidates feel at ease can land top job seekers and benefit the organization.
- Learn ways to create a welcoming virtual environment.
- Use interaction skills to build a human connection with candidates.
Competencies developed:
- Building Partnerships
- Earning Trust
- Selecting Talent
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Panel Interviewing
Attract, hire, and retain the best talent
Attracting, hiring, and retaining the best and diverse talent is a key challenge organizations face today. An inefficient or subjective hiring process can be one of the reasons. This course focuses on the panel interviewing technique which can reduce the risk of making a biased hiring decision by gaining perspective from more than one person.
Helps individuals:
- Identify the advantages of a panel interview.
- Recognize the common risks and pitfalls involved in a panel interview.
- Conduct an efficient panel interview that will have a positive impact on the candidate.
Competencies developed:
- Selecting Talent
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Starting Strong
Prepare how to execute an effective onboarding process
Organizations need their new hires to become productive quickly, be fully engaged, and committed to stay with the organization. It all begins by providing new hires with a strong start. This course guides leaders on how to execute an effective onboarding process.
Helps leaders:
- Discover the importance of an effective onboarding process.
- Learn methods to build trust with new employees.
- Receive tips for setting clear performance expectations.
- Learn how to help new employees build a purposeful and courageous business network.
- Prepare to implement a new hire’s 90-day development plan.
Competencies developed:
- Coaching
- Coaching & Developing Others
- Initiating Action
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Targeted Selection®: The Art of Behavioral Interviewing
Conduct objective, fair interviews
Virtual Classroom
This course teaches hiring managers and interview team members how to conduct interviews that are objective, fair, and provide the candidate the opportunity to shine. Learners leave the class knowing how to build rapport, manage an interview, and ask pertinent questions to gather data that are predictive of future on-the-job success.
Helps interviewers:
- Create a positive experience for the candidate by building rapport and managing the interview.
- Ask behavioral questions that uncover job-related skills and actions and minimize bias during the interview.
- Gather specific examples of a candidate's past behavior to predict future workplace behavior.
- Determine the candidate's motivation for the job and organization.
Competencies developed:
- Selecting Talent
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our Targeted Selection certification options for facilitators.
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Targeted Selection®: The Science of Behavioral Interviewing
Collect high-quality data to make the best hiring decisions
Virtual Classroom
This course teaches interviewers how to make the best hiring decisions by collecting high-quality behavioral data around job-related criteria for success. Interviewers build their skills in using an objective, consistent, and unbiased process for evaluating candidate data, and learn how sharing their data and considering the data that other interviewers have collected leads to hiring the best candidate every time.
Helps interviewers:
- Measure candidates against well-defined job criteria (knowledge, experience, competencies, and motivations).
- Focus interview questions on job-related behaviors.
- Avoid bias by focusing hiring decisions and promotions on the job requirements and data instead of on feelings or impressions.
- Follow a consistent and methodical process to evaluate data for every candidate.
- Integrate candidate information from multiple interviewers to make the best hiring decision.
Competencies developed:
- Selecting Talent
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our Targeted Selection certification options for facilitators.
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Unconscious Bias: Awareness into Action
Become aware of biases in order to make better decisions
Everyone has unconscious biases—they’re the result of the way the brain handles the millions of bits of information bombarding us daily. But our biases can get in the way of our good intentions, limit our own success, and cause us to deny development opportunities to others. This microcourse helps learners become aware of their own biases in order to make better decisions.
Helps individuals:
- Learn how the brain influences reactions to the world around them.
- Review common biases and gain insights into their own behavior.
- Interrupt their biases to make better decisions.
Competencies developed:
- Creating a Culture of Trust
- Creating an Inclusive Environment
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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