Personalized Corporate Learning for Leaders

What is Personalized Corporate Learning for Leaders?

Leadership is a human endeavor and a deeply personal experience. That’s why we believe learning for leaders needs to be personalized. Likewise, we know that effective personalized corporate learning depends on two things: recognizing the uniqueness of leaders and anchoring it within your business context.

We also recognize that companies can’t afford to have leaders learning in a way that’s not aligned to business priorities. And we also know that leadership development needs to be meaningful, relevant, and focused. After all, leaders don’t have time for anything else.


The #1 thing leaders want more of is personalized learning

DDI, Global Leadership Forecast, 2018

Data to Target Unique Needs

“A-ha” moments come from self-insight. And leadership assessments provide leaders with data on their strengths and gaps. The result? More relevant, personalized learning and development for your leaders. And above all, more “a-ha” moments to engage leaders to commit to change and growth. 

Personalize development with assessments

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A Personalized Path to Core Leadership Skills

With DDI's leadership development subscription, your leaders have access to My Pathway: Leadership Core, a unique self-paced personalized learning experience designed to build essential leadership skills. 

After a self-assessment of their styles, strengths, and gaps, leaders get hyper-relevant content recommended just for them to learn and practice the most essential skills. You can then use the group data to guide live or blended learning sessions. 

Explore a subscription

Access Curated Tools, Most Relevant to Leaders  

We know a cookie-cutter approach to leadership development won’t work for all leaders. We also know that leaders don't have a lot of time to browse through a huge library of content. So that’s why we offer a program delivery platform that gives leaders access to only the learning they need. With Pinpoint, your leaders are served up relevant development tools in the ways they like to learn. 

Whether they want to grab a planning tool after a classroom experience or practice with a chatbot, DDI's Pinpoint platform creates a truly personalized corporate learning experience.

Explore DDI's Pinpoint platform